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This is the page where we provide links to all the websites who are affiliated with us or have some other connection relating to this site. Here is a list of all our affiliates below:

64Digits .::. 64Digits - 1025 Clicks!
Game Maker .::. Game Maker - 1026 Clicks!
Game Maker Community .::. Game Maker Community - 1026 Clicks!
Alert Games .::. Alert Games - 1025 Clicks!
Fire Phoenix Network .::. Fire Phoenix Network - 1025 Clicks!
LAR Games .::. LAR Games - 1025 Clicks!
DarkSoft .::. DarkSoft - 1025 Clicks!
BlueBoyX .::. BlueBoyX - 1026 Clicks!
CoffeeStained Games .::. CoffeeStained Games - 1025 Clicks!
TZ Corporation .::. TZ Corporation - 1025 Clicks!


Affiliation Rules

Like this site? Would you like to become an affiliate? You can! Simply email us with your website URL and an 88x31 pixel banner representing your site. Then, add our banner to your affiliates page:

88x31 Image

In HTML, the code would be:

<a target="_blank" href="">
<img src="" alt="Azure Games">

Just copy-and-paste the HTML code above and put it on your site somewhere. Also, if you would like to advertise our site on forums, you can put the same image in your signature! Copy-and-paste the following BBCode: